Spore Galactic Adventures
Developer | Maxis |
Publisher | Electronic Arts |
Release date(s) | |
Genre | God game, Life simulation, RTS |
Modes | Single player |
Rating | ERSB: E- Everyone 10+ PEGI: 12+ |
Platforms | Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X |
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One of its new features is the ability for your Creature
to move around outside your spacecraft, as well as new missions that
require you to use this ability. Creatures then are able to use social
and offensive abilities on others, like the Creature Stage. The textures and graphics are more complex with the Adventure creator.
Maxis has made sixteen different pre-made adventures. Some of them can be instantly viewed right after installing the game, and some must be encountered and completed in the Space stage before showing up in your Sporepedia. There are also Robot Chicken adventures that are freely available under the Maxis name.
- Archetype 'Campaigns'. Archetypes include Warrior, Zealot, Shaman, Diplomat, Trader, Scientist, Bard and Ecologist.
- Players are able to place buildings and other objects anywhere they want to with the adventure creator. They can be flat on land as normal, but they can also be placed on water, although there will be no underwater editors or features of any kind included. By using the Ctrl key, players can make buildings rise or sink, at any altitude they want, similar to the Building Editor. They can also tilt it in more different ways.
- Players can make dialogue for their creatures. Unlike in the space stage, creature languages are not determined by their archetype. Speech will be translated by means of speech balloon text. Also, players can add labels to items by setting the speech bubble type to caption.
- Players can set the speed of an object, which can range from 0 to 5 (like in the Creature stage). By setting a hollow vehicle to stationary and with even more flexible game-play, a vehicle can stand in for a building, like a caravan.
- City make-up can be much more complex in the Adventure creator. Players can design absolutely any type of city they want in the creator, from ancient style stone castles to large metal complexes of the future, by piecing together all sorts of buildings.
- Players can either enter adventures by requesting a mission from another empire while in a Space Stage game and then flying to the planet and beaming down, or they can use an option called "quick play" that allows players to enter adventures directly from the main menu instead.
- Player's flesh-and-blood captains can only beam down onto adventure planets. The Hologram Scout will still be in the game for exploration of other normal planets. Adventure planets are chosen when the player requests a mission from an empire. The game then scans for star systems that have not been visited by the player yet to place the adventure planet. If all nearby systems have been visited, gas giants are converted into the adventure planets.
- There is an Adventure creator, and sharing missions over the Sporepedia is possible. The Adventure creator enables the user complete and total control over everything on the adventure planet. There are many things the user can mold to whatever extent the player wishes.
- Molding the shape of the planet's surface by dragging and dropping stamps can be done, and players are able to place any unit (creatures, buildings, flora, etc) into the adventure by selecting it from the in-game Sporepedia, or dragging in a PNG. Units can be placed in any position, and can be placed anywhere. You can also the use the several new flora Maxis has added, as well as any flora you've made in the hidden Flora Editor. (Please be aware that if you are using your own flora from the Flora editor, you adventure cannot be shared.)
- There is one thing that must be placed in all adventures in order to save: A start point for the captain.
- The player has control over any unit's size by use of a the shift key and the mouse wheel.
- The player can regulate any creature's level of aggression By choosing between five buttons: Neutral (only attacks if attacked), Peaceful (runs away when attacked, never hurts another unit), Mindless (does not react to anything), Territorial (warns approaching enemies, and then attacks if enemy doesn't leave), Aggressive (attacks any enemy unit on sight), and Advanced (behavior can be customized by the player).
- Creating dialogue for creatures is possible. The tone of voice (e.g: panicky, sad, angry) is determined the emotion drop-down list next to the text.
- Controlling the health point level of an object. Setting a unit to the highest setting possible will make it indestructible. Choosing the lowest setting possible will make buildings and vehicles explode in a burst of smoke and flying shrapnel. Creatures will fall down dead. Spaceships will instantly crash.
- Changing the visibility level of an object. Some game-play objects can be invisible or visible (when invisible, a game-play object will still be active and usable even though it is invisible), but any other unit can only be set to "shown" or "hidden". When shown, a unit will be completely normal and visible. When it is invisible, it will not be visible, but it will still have an effect, and will be solid and touchable. When a unit is hidden, a unit will not only be invisible, but it will be completely inactive and have no effect until shown again.
- Choosing the content that will appear on the planet by selecting the creations from the Sporepedia. PNG files for creations can be dragged directly into your game to load the creation. By properly regulating the size and health of a creature babies, alphas, rogues and epics along with normal animals can be created.
- Players can make units perform a few different actions. Players can set units to perform certain actions by selecting actions for the unit from a menu. It is also possible to combine actions to make them more advanced.
- Players can set the avatar's range of vision by adjusting a planet's atmospheric density. Players can also set any other creatures range of vision using an "awareness" slider.
- Deciding if other players can use their own creature on an adventure or if they must use a certain creature when they play (Adventures set with only a certain creature will not be pollinated into other player's space games because it means changing your creature's shape which is not allowed once you reach Tribal stage. They can still be shared, but they can only be played in quick-play mode.).
- Masking already existing objects to look like something else, for example, disguising a laser gun as a magic wand, either for a puzzle game where you have to find an object that is disguised and hidden to win the game or simply to match a theme.
- The complexity meter for the Adventure creator is very large and allows for many items to be placed on the planet.
- Players use many different effects. For example, by simply selecting an effect of your choice from an effects menu, you can drag and drop a large raging inferno onto the planet, or you could have many miniature tornadoes spinning around.
- There are different teams that the player must add units to, for example, like in the Tribal Stage, where there is a team "Pink Village", and a team "Green Village, where tribesmen, tools and buildings belong to a certain team. Basically, whatever is on the planet must be on a chosen 'side'. Units from one team will be instinctively aggressive towards those of another team. There are four teams: Allied Team, Enemy Team 1, Enemy Team 2 and Enemy Team 3. Players also have the option of not placing a unit on any team at all.
- Cut scenes cannot be made, but players can make units perform sequences on cue.
- Users can choose how many acts and tasks they want to be done in an adventure. The maximum number of acts is eight, and there is a maximum of three tasks per act.
- Players can set the time of day on the planet.
- Players can set the Terrascore of the planet by adjusting the temperature and atmospheric density. (An adventure planet does not have to be T1 or up. It can be T0 if the player wants it to be. Please note however, that the planet is still treated like a T3 planet. )
- Players can create museum planets and zoos in which there is no mission objective and you can just walk around and admire the scenery and some lovingly made creations. These are also called "3D Sporecasts" by the Maxis staff.
- A Captain editor, where players can outfit the avatar that they will use to play missions. There are many new parts and abilities(32).
- After installing the expansion, players will never have to worry about creations being stolen again. The expansion adds 'lineage' to every creation made from then on. Creations will list their history, consisting of the original creator, the last person who edited it, and the current creator. Players can then check the tags, description or comments to find out if the new editor has given any credit to the original creator. Now players can immediately identify stolen creations, and if they are not the one who has had it stolen, they can instantly find out who made it originally and notify them.
- When a player wins a mission with a number of points higher than another player has ever scored on that mission, they are rewarded with special badges which are shown on the players MySpore page. Badges can be lost when another player beats your record.
- Players can modify the landscape with monuments, dips, stamps and formations.
- Adventures will have a progress bar on the bottom that looks like the evolutionary progress bars from the other stages. The bar consists of up to eight parts or less, depending on how many acts the player has set for their adventure, with the maximum being eight and the minimum being one Each part can be whole, or divided into two or three parts, depending on how many tasks the player has set for that act.
- There are 32 new captain parts and abilities, such as the Lightning Striker, Jump Jet, Plasma Pulser, Acrobat Dance, Hover and Stunning Charm.
- Player's captains and missions will be shown on their MySpore pages along with information on how they played recent missions. It lists how many missions were won or lost, points earned on missions, rewards the player has earned for reaching a certain score before completing a mission and captains and mission stats.
- New Achievements. Over 50 new achievements come with the expansion pack.
- Players are able to enter buildings, but only if the building is hollow and has an actual opening. Players must make a hollow building in the building editor, and design the interior. If you were to just place a large cube-shaped block in the editor and gave it doors, windows and a roof, like what many players do with buildings, the captain would not be able to walk inside through the door. (However, a teleporter could be disguised as a door and placed on the building, which would lead into a structure elsewhere on the planet designed to look like the interior of the building, thus creating the illusion of entering it.) Players will also be able to destroy buildings in adventures. All of this also applies to vehicles.
- Players can ride vehicles if they have installed Patch 5. If they have not, then they will slide right off the vehicle.
- When playing adventures through a Space game, every increase in rank allows the player to unlock a part from the Captain Outfitter to place on their captain and use in another adventure. Players cannot unlock parts without unlocking their most recent predecessors in the palette.
- Players will be able to add allied creatures from a friendly empire as posse members.
- New creations made by Maxis are included in the expansion, such as captains, props, objects, music, and others for the adventures.
- Seven Maxis-created adventures will be included in the expansion, for example, The Arena Of Oorama. As of /09/04/09/, all Maxis made missions, including the Robot Chicken missions, now give the players 100 points for completion. But if you have already played them you will not get any more points for those adventures if you replay them.
- Creature, Tribe, Civilization and Space stage creatures can also be put on adventure planets and can be allied with by Captains.
- When a player makes his/her first Captain, the player will be taken into a pre-made tutorial adventure called "Adventure Town" that will show players how to play adventures as a Captain. This adventure planet is inhabited by a Maxis made creature present in the original game, the Bunny Froo Froo, a pink bipedal rabbit-like creature.
- There is one new paint style under the Details section that when used, resembles a spandex shirt and pants.
- There are many adventure types: Combat, Diplomacy, Collect, Defend, Puzzle, Quest, Story and No Genre adventures can be made. Players can even create Template type adventure planets that will work the same way as any other kind of template.
- If you have not already downloaded all the creations used in some one else's adventure, you cannot play that adventure without logging in, except if you do this: drag the adventure from the Sporepedia to your game, and edit the adventure. The game will ask you if you want to log in or replace the creatures and buildings you do not have. Replace them and save the adventure. Now you can play the adventure. It will not contain all of the same creations but everything else will still be the same. TIP: You can also replace the creations with some of your own, so they fit the story line better.
- Patch 4 includes all subsequent patch data, including the patch 3 parts.
Please also see the Spore Galactic Adventures Gallery
The first image of the Adventure Creator that was released.
The Captain Editor.
A captain stands in a large gateway.
A statue mounted over a maze.
A bird's eye view of a small lakeside part of a town.
A captain shoots with the Plasma Pulse.
A captain using a jet pack, high above a city.
A maxis-made captain.
A maxis-made captain.
A maxis-made captain.
A maxis-made captain.
A maxis-made captain.
A captain battles an Epic creature.
A captain battles another Epic creature.
The Captain Editor.
A captain and his team-mates.
A captain walks toward a large, walled up city.
A captain stands beside an ancient statue, the Golden Llama.
A very confusing maze.
The Captain Editor.
A captain stands up on a stage.
A captain using a jet pack flies down towards a large maze-like area with many Epic creatures about.
A captain, having completed his mission, strikes a pose.
A short green captain sporting missiles.
Spode's saved temple.
Creatures in a battle.
The back of the game's box.
screen showing an adventure's image and description after a mission was
requested. From this screen the player must choose to either accept or
decline the mission.
A with a speech bubble above it's head talks.
A captain preparing for an infestation.
A captain fighting.
A captain inside an arena.
Another view of the Adventure Creator.
The Captain Editor.
An image of a captain in Adventure Town, the game's tutorial adventure.
Another image of a captain in Adventure Town.
A robotic creature speaks.
Adventure Town.
Adventure Town.
A captain beams down from his ship.
A captain in a vehicular battle.
The TX-5000 Superweapon, devastator of life.
An Epic guards a gate.
A captain next to a tall wall.
Rocket launchers are fired at a captain.
A captain in the Captain Editor demonstrates the power of his pulse blasts.
A lava planet being edited in the Adventure Creator.
Many units being placed on a planet.
Purple fog from an infestation pod.
A captain beams down from his ship.
Another battle with an Epic.
A captain in the air after using a jump pad.
The Captain Editor.
A captain high up in the air.
Another maze.
A captain before being outfitted.
Lights glisten everywhere around the captain.
Spore: Galactic Adventures, coming in June 23rd 2009.
A large shooting gallery.
The Maxis logo.
Lights shine down as Spode is saved by a captain.
A unit is placed in an adventure.
An infestation pod explodes after a war to prevent infesting an innocent planet.
A captain walks through a clump of grass and wildflowers behind the gates of a medieval-looking castle.
A floating base above the captain.
Ships assemble.
Creating a new adventure.
Looks like a movie scene where the captain is about to fight the monster.
A captain shooting.
A captain using the Summon Swarm ability.
A captain using the Summon Swarm ability sends the bees at the enemy.
A captain in the Captain Editor tests out his Plasma Pulse.
Golden light shines down.
A captain with is weapons and outfit.
A small creature in Tribal dress.
An Epic creature stomping on a captain.
Adventure images in the Sporepedia.
The Adventure Creator.
A planet's surface being edited with stamps in the Adventure Creator.
Editing a creature's details in the Adventure creator.
A captain walks up to the mayor of Adventure Town.
A captain walks towards adventure town, being awed at by Bunny Froo Froos,
A captain walks through the Mother ship in the adventure Mother ship down.
A battle.
Spore Galactic Adventures and Robot Chicken have come together to form some strange new missions.
A building of an impaled snowman.
The main enemy in a Spore Galactic Adventures\Robot Chicken adventure, Swine Flu.
Snowman-like creatures attack.
A building of a T-Rex biting toilet paper.
A creature about to go skiing.
A yeti-like creature waves at the captain.
A captain runs away from the aggressive snowman-like creatures.
A captain next to building representing a creature stuck head-first in a pile of snow.
The main enemy in a Spore Galactic Adventures\Robot Chicken adventure, Swine Flu.
Humanoid pigs in church.
Oh boy, flying poop. Are there any monkeys about, by any chance?
A toilet.
A toilet.
A large cannon faces towards freedom.
A captain faces towards the army of aggressive snowman-like creatures.
A destroyed city.
The entrance to a temple.
An Epic Creature guards the entrance to a temple.
Shenanigan's Fun-tasy Theme Park: The crappiest place in the galaxy!
Shenanigan's Fun-tasy Theme Park.
A dictator talks at a microphone, while a pink beam is ready to hit him.
See Also
- Internal Links
- External Links
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