The Grox
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- - The Grox
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Feared and hated by every empire in the galaxy, the Grox as a species are extremely delicate and weak and have only survived due to their incredible intelligence and technological advancement over other species. As they developed among incredibly hostile species, they themselves grew to believe that the only way to survive in the universe was through aggression and expansion. They are an ancient race, having been spacefaring for eons while nearly all other races weren't even sapient yet. Although their minimal senses and strength have been enhanced by cybernetic implants, they're still among the most feeble sapient lifeforms in the Galaxy, but make up for it with incredible military might, and the ability to prosper on barren planets.
Unlike most land creatures, Grox are intolerant of conditions survivable to other life forms. As such, they can only survive on T0 planets. If a planet's terrascore is raised, the planet cannot be inhabited by Grox unless anti-terraformed. It may be true that, since every religious artifact mentions that the Grox must be opposed, they are of another archetype; it would appear that they are an archetype unto themselves. For some reason they wish to see it that nobody gets to the Galactic Core, possibly to keep the Staff of Life hidden, so it cannot be used against them. Some people think that The Grox are actually a later version of the human race, as humans are no longer on Earth, which is T1 in the game. This could be possible due to humans' greater reliance on technology. The Grox' spaceships can also be seen in the Creature Stage, occasionally abducting creatures, so the Grox may have been the first sentient beings.
“The Grox are machines with absolutely no sense of humor! They
destroy entire races and never offer an explanation of what it is that
ticks them off!”The implants of the Grox serve an important religious, as well as functional, purpose. The implants not only improve their abilities for functional reasons, but also distance the Grox from others. The implants' purpose may also be to remind them of their own physical weakness, which would explain why the Grox consider other empires unfit to roam the universe, due to the belief that they don't deserve their gifts. The Grox may attempt to mimic the average life form's behavior to manipulate them, but they are bad at portraying a 'normal' personality without drawing attention to their cyborg anatomy and their obsessive hatred for every other life form. They do, however, understand the Spice trade and Sporebucks, the common Galactic Currency.
The Grox are 'toxic', as exposure to conditions survivable to other
life forms causes them to disintegrate. If the player abducts a Grox
citizen, they are incinerated because they are 'too toxic for your Cargo Hold.'
This 'toxicity' is shrouded in mystery, but it does indeed tie in to
how the Grox Empire is viewed by other civilizations, as an abomination
of incomprehensible size that must nevertheless be feared.
The Grox are approximately two times as distrusting as a Warrior Empire (-15 or -30 compared to the Grox's -70). They also have a resistance to relationship improving devices, such as the Super Happy Ray.
The Grox are extremely hard to defeat or ally due to their size and
aggression. They will attack systems tens of thousands of parsecs away
in their war on all fully organic life, and once attacked the receiving
planet of the Grox raid always seems to be too shell-shocked to
communicate with the player's ship.
In Other Culture
Almost all philosophies hate the Grox. Scientists and Diplomats
don't actively hate them, as Scientists are somewhat admiring and are
curious about them (possibly because of their technological
achievement), while Diplomats regard them as a powerful potential ally. Bards think of them as "no fun at all" and say they are "not explaining what ticks them off." Warriors and Knights view them as the ultimate challenge and rivals, Traders regard them as enemies of universal happiness, Zealots hate them for religious reasons, and Shamans and Ecologists
say they are unable to reach harmony due to their murders and hatred of
nature. They are also disliked due to their ownership of the contested
Galactic Core, desired by all except possibly Bards ("We never wanted to
go there anyway").
They have an astonishing number of colonies surrounding the Galactic Core,
serving as an obstacle to the player. They are extremely aggressive and
are only able to survive on otherwise uninhabitable T0 planets. Raising
a planet's T-Score
will make it impossible for the Grox to inhabit it and will destroy any
existing Grox colonies on said planet. It is extremely hard for any
empire to defeat the Grox, since their amazingly vast empire spans 2400
systems with more than 5000 planets.
- Too toxic for cargo hold. (Cannot carry Grox in your spaceship)
- The Grox, when launching a land-based assault, often use genetically bred soldiers, (Dronox and Insectrox) to attack because the Grox can only survive on T0 planets.
When communicating with them, it is common to hear them say "9994", the only piece of in-game dialogue that is similar the language the player had selected, besides that of Steve. They often tend to repeat themselves, saying the same phrase several times in one animation, such as "Rforbert" Followed by "Forbert!" then glitchy anger and then "Nor bab zepru!" which is similar to another piece of in-game dialouge, "Nor bab zepruva!" (said over many Grox animations, usually when you're at war). Occasionally, they will literally scream in rage at the player, yelling "FHAEEEEEEEEEE". If the Grox are allied, if you send their ship to attack something, you might hear the pilot say "Grobgrobgrob2". If you do an AOE repair for your fleet, you might hear the Grox pilot make some robotic noises, sounding like "*SHVEEGLE-SCREEP*".
Main article: Grox Vehicles
Grox have powerful but slow vehicles, with exception of the Grox spaceship.
- Grox Grumbler - Land vehicle
- Oceanic Grox - Sea vehicle
- Groxoplane - Air vehicle
- Grox (spaceship) - Spaceship
- City Hall: Grox Platz
- Factory: Grox Stacks
- Entertainment: Grox-o-Plexx
- House: Grox Sweet Grox
- Turret: 1600 HP
Main article: Parts
Although the Spore manual says "They don't understand relationships", you may still deal with Grox.
Alliance tactics
- - Scrolls of Order Vol.9
You will need:
- Something to break the Galactic Code (the Grox like it): 4 Planet Busters, or Fanatical Frenzy/Gravitation Wave.
- Friendly Tools: The Happy Ray (the Super Happy Ray is highly recommended), or Fireworks
- Gifts: 400,000 Sporebucks.
- An embassy (note that the Grox will attack it, but it may give a reputation boost)
- Humongous amounts of Repair and Recharge packs (it's much cheaper than using Grox resources - they charge a lot)
- Give them the 400,000 Sporebucks for the maximum +10 reputation.
- Use the Super Happy Ray/Fireworks until you get the maximum +30 reputation for using friendly tools. The Recharge packs will be useful here, along with Repair packs due to how much energy Super Happy Ray uses,
- Do missions for them until you get the maximum +50 reputation. You will also get a +5 for the "You agreed to help Us". The Repair packs will be useful here.
- Try the embassy. Keep trying if it doesn't work. If it does, that's +10 reputation when it's done.
- Blow up 4 planets near the Grox, or use Fanatical Frenzy/Gravitation Wave as well. The goal is to get the maximum +50 reputation for breaking the Galactic Code.
- Start a trade route.
- Ally them.
Note that your reputation will be decreased by 200 with other empires when you are allied with Grox. This means that every empire you have contacted, who did not have at least a +150 reputation with you before then, will immediately declare war on you. You can pay money to end the war, which will erase everything about your reputation - including the -200 from allying with Grox. Empires you have not contacted will instantaneously declare war on you when you contact them. The war transmissions will cover the place. However, the empires won't attack you until you answer their war transmissions. If you dislike the war transmissions, save the game and exit. Come back and they won't be there. The Grox ship that you are sent will have 3,600 health.
Whatever you do, don't upset the Grox, whether you're allied or not...
War tactics
Maxis, under pressure from the community to fix the issue, has released a such a mod that will address the problem of unreachable star systems near the core. This mod is the official Expanded Travel Radius mod.
Players will have to manually place the mod into their data folders, but this does allow players to reach every Grox system.
The reply on Sporums from MaxisCactus bringing this issue to a close. |
Expanded Travel Radius Mod (Maxis Solution)
This mod increases the travel radius when in the galactic core zone to 10 parsecs (a travel radius of 9.8 parsecs is needed to reach all the stars in the galactic core area). This mod will work with your current saved games. To use it, save it to your Spore Data folder. You’ll need to have updated to patch three in order to run this mod. If you patch your Spore game after using this mod, this file will be automatically deleted. To get the mod after patching, simply download it again. This mod is available for both PC and Mac. The player must download this Mod if he/she wishes to defeat the Grox and get the Badge Outta Heck. Download it here! |
If you do not have the patch and will not be using it, you can use a different method. Other empires will not be affected by the effects of the core - you can make planets and use Monoliths on them until they are space empires, and have them attack the unreachable Grox planets after paying the Sporebucks. Sometimes there are tribal planets near the core already. Although you can defeat the Grox this way, it is highly recommended that you just download the patch. You will save time and Sporebucks, and you can actually do it yourself.
Before you start, you might want to protect your planets at home with an Uber Turret, due to the fact that Grox don't take over colonies on T1 and above planets, they completely destroy them. Other things (like a Bio Protector) are optional but a good idea.
Although the Grox have 2400 systems (a total of about 5000 planets) at the start, they can be defeated planet by planet. How to do it:
- Terraforming: Simple, but slow and costs some money or uses energy. Fly around the planet, avoiding Grox spaceships and turrets while you change the T-score to at least level 1. The Grox colonies will be destroyed because they can only live on T0 planets. You can also drop terraforming machines and leave the planet while it does the work.
- Bombs: Both types are much faster than terraforming tools. Anti-Matter Bombs (very fast, but expensive) or Mega Bombs (almost as fast and no extra cost). Also, dropping volcanoes on their colonies works, and it is cheaper than Anti-Matter Bombs. With the Anti-Matter Bombs, you should be able to destroy a colony with just one shot at the city hall. Mega Bombs may need to be used a few times per colony. The best method is to zoom down low as possible and drop the Mega Bomb right on the city hall. Or you can fly over the colony, high enough to avoid taking any turret fire, and drop bombs as you go by. This is a slower way, but you will receive less damage. With either method you will need to have many energy packs and repair packs handy. Be sure to stock up on those before going into Grox territory.
- Planet Busters: These "Weapons of Mass Destruction" are extremely fast at destroying Grox planets, but they come with a huge price tag and their use breaks the Galactic Code, as well as the planet! If there are any other empires nearby, you will lose reputation points with them.
- If the player wants to defeat the grox without using war, you can ally them and then trade with them. This is time consuming but you will get both "Dancing with the Devil" and the "Badge out of heck" badges. You will never get attacked by grox when you do this and so do not have to place many colonies by the core.
If you want to cheat, become a Zealot and use the super-power Fanatical Frenzy. You will get their planets. For an instant recharge, use the cheat setConsequenceTrait (space_zealot), or save and exit, then reload the save. Beware, because you will get the Joker Badge, thus preventing future achievements from being unlocked. You may also do this by saving and exiting after use, but it may take a while.
A fun way to take out the Grox is to ally with them, place a few colonies near the Galactic Core, and then start attacking their systems.
Remember that spaceships and turrets of the Grox empire are far more powerful than average ones, even more powerful than the player's turrets. Thankfully, the Grox aren't very enthusiastic colonists and do not always build many buildings or have the max number of turrets. However, they have full turret and building slots for their colonies near the core. As you go farther out, the building and turret number decreases. Good archetypes for fighting them are Zealots- who can take over colonies instantly, Scientists- who can destroy colonies in one go, Knights- who can summon an allied vessel instantaneously, Diplomats- who can freeze all Grox ships and buildings and Shamans- who can get home instantly in the event of attacks or other emergencies. You should destroy Grox colonies starting near the Galactic Core and work outwards, because they will usually attack your colonies nearest to the core and you will have a only a short distance to travel to defend them.
- Little is mentioned about the Grox in the Spore owner's manual. It only states to beware the Grox, as they do not understand relationships. Because of this, many players are left almost without any clue to what the Grox are until they explore the galaxy's center in the Space Stage.
- The followers of Spode believe that the Grox are the greatest evil, even more so than regular persons who reject the will of Spode, and only The False God That Will Come is hated as much as them. And since nearly everyone hates the Grox, most of the scriptures at some point mentions them as the most unearthly beings in the galaxy. All of the creatures in the Spore Galaxy follow particular archetypes, which cause them to oppose the Grox. The Grox are also unique in that that they do not belong to any of these archetypes, and no other empires can follow their philosophy in-game.
- Several rares mention the Grox in quotes, such as Stones of Force (in Vol. 9 & 10).
- It is possible to play as the Grox using hacks. This does not let you have their empire or archetype but does let you play using the Grox creature. You can play as the Grox in the Cell, Creature, Tribal, Civilization or Space stage by saving the Grox PNG shown here, then dragging it over the creator and using the hack to allow you to save.
- To get the Grox into your editor, download the right PNG file from this page and then follow the steps for these two following options: Enter the Creature editor and press Alt and Enter (Command-Enter if you're using a Mac) at the same time. The game will now no longer be in fullscreen mode. Now all you have to do is open up the folder where the PNG is stored and then drag the PNG directly into the editor. The Grox should now be loaded and editable. Another way to edit The Grox: Drag the PNG into the Sporepedia (The following steps can be done AFTER you've already downloaded the PNG if you haven't). Then, enter the Creature Editor, go to the Sporepedia by clicking the Sporepedia button, then go to the 'Everything' sub-folder. Click on the search bar and enter 'Grox' or 'The Grox'. Find them and double click their image. If you just click the 'Edit' button it will come up with an error message. The error message reads "This creation uses Spore parts that are not installed.". Technically this is not true, as every copy of Spore has the cyborg parts. Players are merely forbidden to use them. Once you have double clicked on their image, the Grox will load into the editor. If you wish to save the creature using the Grox parts, you must still use a hack or mod, otherwise you must remove the unique eye and the cybernetics. Go to for instructions.
- It is also possible to play as the Grox by uploading a PNG of the Grox into the space or captain outfitter(s) and save them, you can color them however you want, but the cyborg parts wont change color, making them truly resemble a Grox.
- If you defeat the Grox, and then start a new game, once you get into space you will find there are no Grox, even though you still get asked to go and find them. You will need to recreate the Galaxy in some way. Also, your previous empire and all the others will still be around. If you want to find the Grox in other games, it's best to leave them alone after finding them, but turn off the atoblaster as you go to the galactic center.
- See here for the Grox' anthem
Galactic Adventures
Almost all Grox in the adventures made by players are replicas.
There are many adventures with good Grox rebels fighting the evil Grox. There is one Maxis-made adventure (Infestation)
where the Grox send an infection pod to infect a planet, however, the
Grox don't actually appear (this is because they die on any planet that
is not T0). However, they make use of enslaved species for their
terrestrial assaults, the Dronox and the Insectrox
- both of which are presumably comfortable on any planet, T0 or not.
There are some players that have used mods or hacks to create adventures
with the real grox. But they are rarely played as they require the
force load hack or Betterspore mod to use.
If you ally with the Grox and take one of them to an adventure, it will look like a common Grox citizen.Grox, although powerful in space stage, are very weak in adventures, so players tend not to use them.
Main article: Trivia
PNG images:
The Grox (Creature)
Grox Platz
Grox Sweet Grox
Grox Stacks
The Grox before their cybernetic implants
Grox Grumbler
Oceanic Grox
Grox (Spaceship)
How to Ally with the Grox
After Allying with the Grox
The Grox Anthem
Grox being played in Tribal stage
How to destroy the Grox
The Grox destroyed
Glitch: Trading with the Grox
Rare Grox Noises
Facts about GroxRDF feed
Bite | 2 + |
Class | Synapsida + |
Classified by | OluapPlayer + |
Creator | Maxis + |
Dance | 4 + |
Diet | Carnivore + |
Downloadable | yes + |
Family | Groxidae + |
Genus | Mechanicaos + |
Graspers | Yes + |
Health | 2 + |
Image | The Grox.png + |
Kingdom | Animalia + |
Order | Therapsida + |
Parent | Groxidae + |
Phylum | Chordata + |
Pose | 2 + |
Sight | Yes + |
Sing | 1 + |
Species | Mechanicaos cruelis + |
Speed | 5 + |
Sprint | 5 + |
Strike | 3 + |
Voice | Yes + |
Year | 2008 |
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